
Running vs Jogging – What’s the Difference?

By Dimi | Tips

The word “jogging “ comes from the mid-17th century in Britain, where people tended to jokingly say “going for your morning jog?” in a whimsical manner meaning a brisk walk in the morning.

Less jokingly, Bill Bowerman and Arthur Lydiard wrote the book “Jogging” in 1966 in which they proposed that recreational jogging can actually be a solution to a number of health problems and ailments. In the 1970’s jogging became a popular form of exercise in the US and the around the world, but it is then when it turned into a negative thing – as in a non-competitive activity which requires little or no effort at all.


This is the main difference between running and jogging. Running involves a lot of effort, pushing the body out of the comfort zone, using more muscles and energy, and racing. Jogging burns fewer calories and is more of a fun hobby than a competition.

A Garmin GPS transits from running to jogging when the person makes an 8 minute mile. According to some trainers and runners, it is jogging when you are at a “conversational pace”, which means you can have a conversation. According to them, if you are running properly, you are not able to keep up with a conversation .

Others see the difference in the two activities in the purpose of the whole thing. Running, according to them, has a goal or a plan, while jogging is not about the speed, distance or another goal. Real running means putting all the effort into the running, so that a certain objective is reached, while jogging is basically moving around for the sake of moving.

What they have in common

But, all of this doesn’t mean that jogging is a negative and senseless activity. Some people are not all that competitive all the time, and some cannot push themselves so hard to run but still can do some jogging. Being a jogger too requires some effort and some will power for the majority of non-athletes.


Still, regular jogging is better than spending the time laying in your coach and binge watching your favorite show. Jogging may burn fewer calories than actual running, but the fact is – jogging does help you burn calories, lose fat and tone your body.

Jogging is not so harsh on the knees as running is. But there are studies which show that the more you push your body to run faster, the more muscles get involved and the more calories are burnt. Running at 9 miles per hour or faster can lead to burning 1,000 calories for an hour for a person with normal weight, while jogging for an hour will burn less than half of those calories (492) for that same person.

Plus, intensive running leads to the depletion of the muscles from oxygen, which leads to an after-burn process of the body. The body works much harder to restore the oxygen, and while at it continues to burn calories to up to 48 hours after an intensive running session or exercising.


Alan Latham, The history of a habit: jogging as a palliative to sedentariness in 1960s America

The evolutionary history of jogging” Understanding Evolution. University of California Museum of Paleontology. 14 July 2017